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Kleenit health practices during the COVID-19 pandemic

hand disinfection March 27, 2020

COVID-19 is the latest pandemic to impact the world with confirmed cases increasing exponentially everyday. With the absence of a vaccine, the best defence against Coronavirus is to ensure that recommended protocols are followed to prevent getting infected and control its spread.

Kleenit staff are taking all precautions to keep our clients and tradespeople safe and prevent the transmission of COVID-19. Our Environmental Cleaning and Disinfection service is available for businesses, which uses a contactless method with hospital-grade disinfectant.

Rest assured, our team has been briefed to follow all Government precautions at work and in personal time, including:

  • Stay more than 1.5 metres away from people social distancing
  • Avoid handshaking and kissing
  • Regularly disinfect high touch areas, such as tables and benches
  • Hold meeting via video or have clients send photos of quotations
  • Consider opening windows for more ventilation or adjusting air conditioning  
  • Hold essential meetings outside in the open air if possible
  • Sanitise and wash your hand constantly especially before and after every meal 

We have also ensured that invoicing and payments are made using contactless methods. 

Furthermore, while we use disposable hospital-grade gloves in our operations, hand washing protocols have been reenforced.

How long does Coronavirus live on a surface?

Reports of the virus’s longevity are being updated regularly.

A study in the New England Journal of Medicine published March 17 found the virus was able to live 3 hours in the air and up to 3 days on plastic and stainless steel. On March 23, the CDC revealed traces of coronavirus were found on surfaces in Diamond Princess cabins as many as 17 days after passengers left (though it wasn’t possible to determine whether they were viable for causing infections).

What kills COVID-19 (CoV-2)?

Many of the myths shared online about Coronavirus, its spread and treatment have been addressed by the World Health Organisation.

As of March 25, there is currently no proven vaccine or treatment that can eliminate the Novel Coronavirus from an infected person. The best course of action is to practice self-isolation and social/physical distancing where possible.

To reduce the chances of transmission from skin contact, soap and water has shown to be widely effective (provided vigorous washing time exceeds 20-seconds). Hygiene experts agree that no-rinse hand sanitiser is also effective on Coronavirus strains on the skin, provided it has an alcohol content greater than 60% proof. Liquor store spirits have NOT been proven to be effective for skin or surface sanitisation (they are usually 40% abv).

For surfaces, commercial-grade disinfectant is effective in reducing surface-to-person transmission.  If you are cleaning your own home, be sure to read the product label directions carefully. There may be a separate procedure for using the product as a cleaner or as a disinfectant.

What services are open during the lockdown currently?

Environmental cleaning services, such as those offered by Kleenit, will remain operational unless otherwise ordered. The prevention of trade applies differently to each state, so it is best to check, as well as your State Government health authority, for the latest information.

For us, it’s business as usual, however with even greater health precautions for our customers, our team and the community.

Note: We cannot assist private homes with occupants currently under self-isolation related to international/interstate travel, or under quarantine for confirmed Coronavirus infection. 

The Coronavirus pandemic situation in Australia is evolving day by day. For updates, current facts and figures, travel advice, key contact and phone numbers, visit

(Last updated: 27 March 2020)