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Pressure Cleaning

What are the dangers of pressure cleaning?

Highly effective, potentially dangerous High-pressure cleaners are highly efficient at cleaning and removing stains from driveways to bricks. Anything from oil stain or paint removal, to gutter and roof cleaning jobs, can benefit from a high- pressure cleaning service. Pressure cleaners are versatile and offer a great range of solutions for both home and business cleaning tasks. While it’s feasible to buy or hire a high-pressure water cleaner system for your cleaning tasks, it’s good to remember that the cleaning system is, in fact, dangerous when not used correctly, or used by someone inexperienced. There are many dangers of using high-pressure cleaners when you haven’t previously received safety training in how to use high-pressure tools. It’s best to take the risk seriously and enlist the help of a professional to get the job done in a safe and effective manner. Risks are for real Pressure washers use either a gas hose or electric motor to boost water pressure anywhere from 30 to 80 times higher than a normal washer. That’s one powerful cleaner. While extremely good at making cleaning tasks a breeze, you need to consider possible risks when using a pressure system. Potential damage can range from bruises to laceration, skin damage, and eye damage when the spray is misdirected. Thousands of people are admitted to hospital each year as a result of pressure water usage – a shocking statistic considering that the majority of these injuries could have been avoided by appropriate training or use of professional services. Potential injury risk can even range as far as electrocution. When customers don’t take the risk seriously, or treat these tools as toys, accidents are bound to occur. Safe to say, it’s best to hire a professional for high-pressure cleaning services. When selecting a company for your high-pressure cleaning job, what you want to look for is a reputable company that is both reliable and highly experienced in these tasks. Kleenit is a highly experienced company with a variety of cleaning solutions to suit your needs. When you’re in need of a high-quality pressure cleaning service, give Kleenit a call today to discuss your cleaning job.