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graffiti protection


How to remove graffiti fast?

Acting fast on graffiti removal is key! Every business or home can be subject to vandalism such as graffiti from time to time. Unfortunately, this can damage your reputation and alienate customers or make your home or property look downright ugly. For many, the test of how much you care about your property will be in how swift you react to problems such as graffiti. You could have a go at removing it yourself with household cleaning products, over the counter solvents, get out the high-pressure cleaner (see our article on High-Pressure Cleaners) or even paint over it, Yuk Below’s a bit of advice on having a go yourself and some of the problems and dangers. We would recommend checking your insurance policy first. If you cause more damage are you covered? You might even find that you are covered to have the graffiti professional removed. Graffiti cleaning household solutions The first thing you want to do is check if the painted surface is porous or sensitive to chemicals, sometimes trying to fix it without understanding the material reaction can make things worse. If your marked surface is plastic, try first using a simple soap and water solution or a light, penetrating oil. You might find the product used wasn’t permanent and you’re able to lessen the impact. If the marked area is metal, you can try a paint thinning solution or a light, penetrating oil. Over-the-counter solvents to remove graffiti? If you’re struggling to make a dent with household solutions, there is a range of solvents and other cleaning products on the market that can be used for graffiti removal. However, these products can contain toxic substances and are often highly flammable. Make sure you always read the instructions on safe use, wearing the proper eye, skin and mouth protection. These products might also not be suitable for use on worn wood which can absorb the chemicals and the graffiti paint too, making the problem even more ingrained. Steel wool VS. graffiti If you’re prepared to put in a long, hard slog, then it’s possible to remove graffiti using steel wool or a wire brush. Be aware though that this process will take a long time and will leave marks. That’s why you should only use it on a surface which will eventually return to normal through weathering, such as concrete, stone, some metal and outdoor wooden surfaces. High pressure washing to remove graffiti works! A high-pressure cleaner is one of the best means of removing graffiti and can be used on a range of surfaces from masonry to plastic and wood. However, not many people have access to a high-pressure cleaner and may not know how to use one; therefore, you’d be best to use a company offering high-pressure cleaning services for graffiti removal (see our article on High-Pressure Cleaners). When to cover graffiti up? If the graffiti is stubborn, you may decide to just repaint the surface. Of course, this isn’t ideal, especially if the area wasn’t painted, to begin with, however, if you decide to walk this path, make sure you have the closest colour of paint or use a paint matching system. It’s also possible that some of the graffiti will continue to show through, even under several layers of paint. Choosing wisely between, Painting, paint removal, cover-up, or acid wash, acetone and other solvents, sand, or other graffiti cleaning techniques can be the difference between a successful graffiti removal and costly property damage. Remove graffiti the fast, safe and easy way The best way to prevent graffiti from becoming a long-term problem is to deal with it quickly. Kleenit can provide graffiti removal with 48 hours to sites across Australia, using biodegradable chemicals and the latest technology, helping your premises get back to looking smart and professional as soon as possible. We can even follow up with an anti-graffiti coating to prevent the problem recurring in future.