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How do I get rid of bore water stains in my home?

Light-brown stains on the sides of buildings and fences are a common sight across WA. You may not realise that it’s a uniquely Western Australian problem! What causes bore water stains? Being a region rich in iron ore, WA’s groundwater in the Great Artesian Basin contains iron oxide (AKA: rust). Irrigation bores bring this mix to the surface, where the water evaporates leaving the iron residue to build up over time. Here’s a guide on how to effectively remove bore water stains from the outdoor area of your home in Perth. How soon do I need to clean bore stains? Waiting to remove bore water stains can make them more challenging to remove. Iron oxide bonds strongly with surfaces, effectively becoming a part of them. We also have to remember, we’re dealing with a metal substance here - and metal is tough! Stubborn, dark bore stains that have been left for long periods under the harsh WA sun can be nearly impossible to remove using domestic cleaning products. Is there a DIY way to clean bore water stains? Due to the risk of damaging your property and potential for polluting waterways with non-biosafe cleaning chemicals, we do not recommend bore water stain cleaning yourself. Hiring a professional to conduct bore water stain removal in Perth is a cost-effective solution that will work for most rust staining issues. What gets rid of bore water stains? Bore water stain removal will usually consist of using a specially-formulated, biodegradable iron oxide dissolving solution to the affected area. Products need to be spot tested to ensure that it is the correct cleaner for the job. Professionals tend to use cleaners that are known to be safe to use across a wide range of materials from glass to stainless steel to concrete. A Kleenit bore water stain removal service also involves an industry-grade high-pressure clean, which will remove all residue and stubborn stains. Kleenit has methods for removing stains from: Exterior walls Concreted areas Brick paving Signage Fencing Driveways Windows Choosing a professional to conduct your bore water stain removal on your brickwork, driveway, paving or concrete areas, is the easiest way to restore your property to prime condition. How can I prevent bore water stains? Councils and owners of larger properties may want to consider a professional treatment system that uses a non-toxic solution to neutralise and filter the iron oxide. Typical systems cost around $2-3k to install and have an annual running cost of a few hundred dollars. The average homeowner who is plagued by bore stains may need to make the switch away from free bore water. This, of course, comes at a higher cost and with restrictions on reticulation times. The other option is to use nanotech enabled paints, which can create a waterproof barrier on wood, metal, stone, roofing, concrete and more. This allows bore water to bead or sheet off, limiting the amount of rust residue staining that will occur. Bore stain cleaning service for Perth Keeping your outdoor area free from bore water stains can prove to be quite a challenge, so get a professional opinion. Kleenit offers a free, no-obligation quote service, so get in touch with us today to discuss bore water stain removal.

Epoxy floor coating for non-slip effect.

Garage floor paint vs epoxy: What type of flooring is best for your garage?

As a homeowner, what are you doing to protect the longevity and appearance of your garage floor? If you’re considering a floor coating, there’s a few things you need to know. A floor coating can extend the life of your flooring and improve the aesthetic of an usually fairly lacklustre room. Garage floors in particular need to be able to withstand a substantial amount of wear and tear, with the frequent traffic in and out from cars and bikes, which can cause stains and marks on unprotected floors. So how to paint your garage floor and what are the best products to protect your floors? Garage floor coatings: what are they and what do they do? As the name suggests, garage floor coatings are applied to a floor in order to protect it from stains and tyre marks. There are several choices when it comes to floor coatings. Two of the most widely-trusted options are garage floor paint and epoxy floor paint. Both come with their pros, cons, costs and applications. What is garage floor paint? And why is it different to the stuff that goes on your walls? Garage floor paint is a latex acrylic paint, a slightly tougher paint to what you would put on your walls, but just like wall paint, it is available in myriad colours. Some manufacturers offer paint products that contain a certain amount of epoxy, and will refer to this as 1-Part epoxy paint. Floor paint that contains some epoxy offers more consistent adhesion and will be more durable than paint without the epoxy. In terms of cost, floor paint can be the cheaper option. However, it will likely require more frequent touch-ups. What is epoxy floor paint? Epoxy floor coating or epoxy floor paint is made up of two-components: epoxy resin and polyamine hardener. Epoxy can be coloured or clear. If you have a coloured epoxy, it’s the epoxy resin that the colour is applied to. The nature of the two components means the final product is a hard, very durable surface coating that provides a protective seal to the concrete floor as well as a stain-resistant barrier (perfect for grease, oil and rubber from the cars). While you can purchase epoxy floor coating at hardware stores, there is value in having a professional supply and apply the epoxy coating for you. One key reason for this is because the higher the epoxy content, the higher the viscosity (read: thicker and stickier). So while DIY epoxy paint kits may sound very appealing and easy to use, if you want a high-quality result, it's best to leave it to an expert epoxy flooring specialist, such as Kleenit. In terms of cost, epoxy requires a higher up-front investment but will usually last at least 3 to 5 years before needing to be touched up. What are the advantages of epoxy paint over normal garage floor paint ? All in all, when comparing epoxy coating to normal floor paint, it’s clear from our experience that the epoxy floor coating provides a superior and longer-lasting finish for your garage floors. The key benefit of using an epoxy floor coating over floor paint is durability. For a garage floor coating that looks better for longer, professionally applied epoxy floor coatings help avoid the trap of ‘buy cheap, buy twice.’ Choosing a professional epoxy floor coating service. Want advice from an expert in epoxy floor coatings in your area? Call Kleenit for the know-how and experience to “get the job done!” Let's give your garage floor some well-deserved upgrade and maybe a new purpose! Oh, and you can get a free quote for epoxy flooring in Australia by getting in touch.      


Renovating a paver brick driveway

While it’s the entryway to your property and the first thing you see when arriving home, paving brick driveways often don’t get the same love and attention as other areas of the home. You likely sweep the front porch and shake out the welcome mat every so often, but a damaged or dirty brick paver driveway can make any property look rundown. But there is a quick and inexpensive way to get your driveway looking golden again. Professional high pressure cleaning at least once a year can help keep your home looking the best in the street - or hey, even the suburb. A simple touch-up makes a great first impression for guests and is a must before listing your home for sale. Paver Cleaning: Removing Oil Stains  No matter how much you sweep with a broom or spray with a hose, engine oil spatter makes a brick driveway look darker or permanently wet. Oils at the surface also hold onto dust and dirt — stains may not be permanent, however. A professional pressure cleaner may be able to remove oily stains from your driveway or carport with hot water high-pressure cleaning. Hydrocarbons like oil and petrol will penetrate deeper into most sealers over time, so it’s better to clean oil stains as soon as possible. If the oil stain has set into your pavers, we may need to use a caustic and surfactant to break down and remove the oil particles that’s seeped deep into the pores of the pavement. Following this, a re-sealing of the pavement is highly recommended. And if you have a new driveway, prevention is always better than cure. To prevent restaining, consider driveway sealing; more on that below. Paver Cleaning: Removing Moss, Lichen and Mould The sooner you get rid of things growing in your driveway, the better. Lichen is a tough little bugger that holds on tight and spreads through spores, secreting acids to release minerals in stone to feed its growth (albeit in minuscule amounts). The best treatment we’ve found for lichen and mould is sodium hypochlorite, a potent bleach that lifts away black spots and kills lichen. In most cases, hot high-pressure cleaning will be enough to blast away moss and the dirt that leaves in its footprint. Removing Rust Stains From Driveway Pavers Rust stains can come from a few places. Many fertilisers formulated for lawn growth may include oxidising minerals - so watch where you scatter them. In WA and other iron ore-rich areas, bore water staining and red dirt can lead to red/orange spots on an otherwise clean driveway. A combination of rust-removing solution and high-pressure spraying can have some success - but in some cases, driveway painting and sealing will be the only way to return a driveway to looking uniform again. Protect Your Paving Brick Driveway with Paver Sealing If you think there’s pressure in your job, just think what a driveway has to put up with — supporting at least a tonne of a car every day. Sometimes two or three!  The fact is, many paver sealers aren’t up to the challenge of so much friction and weight.  Tyre marks are the remains of rubber particles left behind due to the abrasiveness of the surface. Now, you’re probably not doing doughys out the front of your property, but marks can happen pretty easily with a handbrake left on or simply from soft tyres slipping on a hot day. In most cases, sealing the surface can prevent the rubber from becoming embedded and tough to remove. What about those shiny clear ‘marks’ that you might see after it rains? That’s usually the remnants of tyre shine, used by auto detailers and some tyre manufacturers. Unfortunately, it’s often silicon-based and pretty difficult to remove, though few homeowners see it as an issue, as it’s only visible when wet. Using a suitable brick driveway sealer is imperative, as most film-type sealers can peel and delaminate under the weight and grip of a vehicle. Driving across a surface can be highly abrasive, grinding sand and grit into the surface. Parking in the same spot every day, especially if you need to turn your tyres to exit the property, will gradually wear down the sealant, potentially causing it to ‘come off’ or look spotty. Ask your driveway sealing professional if they’re using a deep penetrating type sealer, which offers robust protection against the above. Booking professional cleaning, painting or sealing Keeping your driveway free from dirt and grime is never going to be an easy or enjoyable task. Get a professional opinion with a free, no-obligation quote, so give Kleenit a buzz to discuss your outdoor cleaning needs.


Mould at work: An OHS risk

Moulds, bacteria and viruses are everywhere — the air, on your skin, on your phone — though many are helpful within the broader ecosystem. For the most part, those with a healthy immune system can fight back against pathogens, but as we've seen with the spread of COVID-19, cleanliness is essential to maintaining community health. Moulds are one potential issue with ill effects on health which can also cause commercial building damage. Mould is an incredibly resilient life form. The fungi kingdom is ancient; these were among the first living things to exist on land. Flashback to 420 million years ago, and you'd find 6-metre tall fungi columns near freshwater sources. For millennia, the humble portobello's ancestors would slowly leach minerals from rocks and break them down in the process, creating the ideal positions for plants and animals to come millions of years later. Smaller fungi like the common mould you'll find on that old loaf of bread are still everywhere, including in your commercial building. The good news is, professional mould cleaners can easily remedy mould. Why is there mould in my commercial building?  Mould loves moist, humid environments, hence its prevalence in bathrooms, laundries and kitchens. It also shows up where there are leaks in pipes or after flooding, where places such as the carpets' underside cannot properly dry. Poorly sealed concrete and damp earth below a building can also contribute to moisture and mould. Humans in an enclosed space also add to the moisture content through our respiration. You'll notice that clearly as your breath fogs up the windows of your car on a cold morning (at least until you blast the heater with the vent open). Lots of people equal lots of moisture. Some activities and manufacturing also create humidity, such as food preparation in commercial kitchens and restaurants, where it is imperative to avoid mould, which can cause food spoilage. Is black mould at work dangerous?  Stachybotrys chartarum has been linked to 'sick building syndrome', but that claim has not been widely backed up in scientific literature. Stachybotrys has been linked to an infant's death who had extraordinarily high exposure in the lungs. Mould is considered a health risk in severely water-damaged buildings, as some moulds can be a risk to asthmatics and those with allergies. One thing is clear though: mould has an unpleasant odour and is unsightly. Many moulds can stain surfaces permanently as it 'eats' through the material — just like its ancient cousin — and its prevalence can lead to product damage or inventory spoilage. DIY removing mould in a commercial building  We do not recommend DIY removal of large mould colonies, particularly if you suffer allergies or asthma. Heavy exposure to mould has been known to trigger a reaction in some people when precautions are not taken. A Kleenit mould removal professional will use PPE, including a particulate respirator, gloves and eye protection. Bleach and vinegar can kill the mould; however, vinegar is much more effective for removing mould from porous materials. Mixing the substances (or any substances) is not recommended. Even if the mould has been killed, getting rid of the stains left behind takes a lot of elbow grease. Many home remedies include a mix of salt and baking soda, which we've found to be minimally effective. Choosing a professional commercial mould removal service.  With Kleenit, a free initial inspection will include detailed findings and a recommended course of action to remove the mould. Following removal, we can also advise on mould prevention measures such as ventilation, sunlight entry, and ways to remove excess moisture from the affected area. We use commercial mould cleaning substances paired with hot water high-pressure cleaning — using steam and pressure to blast away the residue from tiles, grout, metal and paint. Occasionally, where mould has permeated a surface thoroughly, there will be a need to replace the gyprock or carpet, for example. A professional mould removal service such as Kleenit will bring their own water and cleaning agents and are covered by public liability insurance. A skilled professional reduces the chance of damage to a property and will save a commercial property owner time. After each mould cleaning removal, we also provide a certificate of compliance - so you can rest assured that the mould threat is gone. Get a free quote for commercial mould removal in Australia by contacting us today.

Creating lines in a warehouse where the shelves will be.

Warehouse renovation: Flooring to forklifts

Renovating your warehouse is one of the most effective ways to improve business efficiency, but it often falls to the bottom of an organisation's priority list. If you're a warehouse manager, logistics supervisor, or business development executive, we've provided everything you need to make a case for upgrading your warehouse facilities, as well as information on non-slip warehouse flooring and line marking, to aisle design and warehouse racking. A place for everything and everything in its place. The business case for a warehouse renovation is simple: productivity. This singular project will improve efficiency and safety while reducing waste. By reconsidering your layouts, you can reduce wasted space, product-to-product pick time, and the risk of accidents.  Start with planning Your warehouse's design will be determined by the types, range and volume of product you make or store. A limited number of product lines with a high turnover could mean that drive-in racking is the best option for your business, as it works on a FILO (first-in, last out) methodology. If your requirements are for pick/pack, with employees doing most of the goods handling, you may need shelves at human-level, as well as wider aisles for replenishment via forklift access. Is your warehouse operating as a workshop? If so, longspan shelving could bring the most significant benefits, with a mezzanine to make additional room for storage or an office. When planning your warehouse renovation, take the time to consider repairs to the roof, plan for specialised areas (such as loading dock space), and investigate structural requirements. Consider waterproofing, fireproofing, insulation, and structural issues in the early stages of the project. Reorganise isles for your new workflow Having optimal pick paths for order fulfilment is vital for optimisation. When looked at in aggregate, efficient staff movement through the warehouse can significantly reduce turnaround time and labour costs. That might mean storing items that are frequently purchased together close to one another, or switching to a linear picking order.  Warehouse flooring surfaces: what's best? This may be your only chance to change the floor. Before you transfer or install racking for your warehouse, look at your warehouse flooring. It must be flat, non-skid, easy to clean and hardwearing.  Warehouse concrete floors are usually coated with warehouse epoxy as the industry standard. Where polished concrete can be absorbent or become slippery when wet, adding a layer of epoxy has the option of adding an aggregate to make it into low- or non-slip flooring. Epoxy flooring can be clear, uniformly coloured, or a patterned style known as flake flooring. The non-permeable coating stops spilled liquids from sinking in, reducing damp. Epoxy is also incredibly easy to maintain hygienically, either with the standard broom/bucket/mop, or high-pressure cleaning.  Warehouse line marking  Once your warehouse floor plan is mapped out, and your warehouse epoxy floor is laid, the step is marking the lines where everything will go. That includes: Safe travel paths for employees Safe travel paths for forklifts/automated pickers Clearways Highlighting danger zones Wayfinding to exits, extinguishers and eye-washers Aisle and specific use identification Safe distance markers around racking Consult the experts before you start  Where a warehouse is being gutted completely, we recommend employing an interior architect with experience in warehouse conversions to maximise the building's potential.  To discuss your warehouse flooring renovations, epoxy flooring project or line marking requirements, talk to the experts at Kleenit. We'll be happy to offer a free, no-obligation quote for your warehouse flooring project, with services available across Australia.

covid-19 disinfection and specialised cleaning

Commercial disinfection: Business biohazard cleaning for COVID-19

With the rollout of vaccines for the novel coronavirus now beginning for populations considered 'at risk', we have hope for 2021 returning to some level of normalcy. Still, the rollout will take time, and with mutant strains and outbreaks still making headlines, we continue to provide commercial biohazard cleaning, also known as a COVID-19 deep clean.  According to SafeWork Australia, “You are not expected, and should not try, to diagnose workers. However, you have a work health and safety duty to minimise the risk of workers and others in the workplace being exposed to COVID-19 so far as reasonably practicable.” After isolating the person and ensuring they have access to the medical attention required, close off the affected areas and do not let others use or enter them until they’ve been disinfected. Open outside doors and windows if possible to increase airflow.  Your state or territory public health unit will identify contacts of a confirmed COVID-19 case and provide them with instructions.  All areas that were used by the person/s concerned must be deep cleaned and disinfected according to information relevant to your industry.  How clean is clean? Our specialist services are suitable for most biological hazards, including forensic cleaning and mould removal. Antiviral cleaning requires a particular set of chemicals and tools to be carried out within Australian health guidelines, as it is different from cleaning away bacterial hazards. You have more bacteria in your gut and on your skin than human cells in your entire body. However, most of these are a helpful colony known as your microbiome. In fact, the cells in your gut play a significant role in your immune system.  Problems occur when certain kinds of bacteria get into places where they can cause harm through infection or intoxication. The dilemma of where they spread is well framed in this cheeky viral campaign by Dettol NZ. It shows us that clean isn't always clean, especially when it comes to our clothes. Real viruses are even tougher. According to the WHO: "It is not certain how long the virus that causes COVID-19 survives on surfaces, but it seems likely to behave like other coronaviruses. A recent review of the survival of human coronaviruses on surfaces found large variability, ranging from 2 hours to 9 days".  What's the difference between antiviral cleaning and antibacterial cleaning? Without going too much into biology, bacteria are cells with mitochondria, capable of self-replicating. Viruses, on the other hand, rely on 'hijacking' a host cell to replicate and spread their genetic code. Viruses are not classified as being alive; they have no cell membrane, no metabolism, no respiration - they are a parasite. Of around 2,000 viruses identified in the world, only roughly 10% infect humans. Simple soap disrupts a bacterium's cell wall (with enough friction, say from 20 seconds of handwashing). But there is no cell membrane in a virus, and no evidence that soap alone 'kills' viruses; rather it balls them up in surfactant to 'roll' them off your hands with rinsing. So what happens for a biohazard clean up? For surfaces near to where a person infected with COVID-19 has been, the WHO recommends the following: 70% ethyl alcohol to disinfect small areas such as reusable dedicated equipment (for example, thermometers); sodium hypochlorite at 0.1% (1000 ppm) for disinfecting surfaces; and, for areas where fecal contact has occurred, commercially available quaternary ammonium compounds, such as cetylpyridinium chloride, used according to manufacturer's instructions, and peracetic or peroxyacetic acid at concentrations of 500−2000 mg/L. [1] Experienced, specialised deep cleaning Kleenit has been working in specialised cleaning, including meth lab remediation, forensic cleaning, and mould removal, for more than a decade. With a national network of Kleenit professionals, we're able to provide peace of mind in all settings, from schools, government buildings and shopping centres, to foodservice outlets and strata disinfection. We also provide a certificate on completion after a COVID-19 clean.  [1] World Health Organisation, Water, sanitation, hygiene, and waste management for the COVID-19 virus, 23 April 2020, Retrieved 21 January 2021

home garage - garage floor refurbishment blog

Transforming a room or garage into a workshop: What improvements should I consider?

If you want to transform your lifestyle or your work processes, first you need to look at the way you organise the spaces you use. A messy home denotes a messy mind, so when you’re repurposing your garage, the rooms in your home, or your workspace, it’s easier to start with a clean slate. With a blank canvas, it’s easier to see what works where. And starting from scratch with a clear room is the perfect time to consider epoxy floor coating for a fresh new look.  The garage seems to be the forgotten room of many homes. Filled with archive boxes, motor oil bottles, tools and half-finished DIY projects, it’s often the default place to store the stuff that doesn’t really fit anywhere else. But what if you could repurpose your garage into a place of pride you’d actually like to spend time in? It doesn’t have to cost a lot, but it will add a lot to your lifestyle and your home’s value, especially when you add epoxy flooring or garage floor paint.   1. Take stock of what you want to keep, cull the rest Get your Marie Kondo on and work out what sparks joy. Also, what will be useful to keep to use in the life of your biggest project? Write up your three main DIY projects and whatever doesn’t fit on there can go to Gumtree or ‘go to God.’ You might benefit from a skip bin or a trailer to visit the tip at this point, rather than waiting for the next council hard rubbish collection. Another option is to advertise a literal garage sale and mark what you’re keen to sell. Spring cleaning, or even summer cleaning, means you don’t have to worry as much about leaving some items in a secure space outdoors during the process. With a relatively clear floor, we can get started on what garage improvements you want to make.   2. Plan out your shed or garage improvements Think bigger. Your repurposed garage could become a man cave. Or a workshop, Or an artist's studio, Or simple a well-designed garage to greet you coming home.  Once you’ve decided how you will better use your repurposed garage, let’s design for your goals.   3. From garage floor to ceiling, make the space work. The thing about land is that they’re not making any more of it. Well, aside from a few nations building new islands. So, getting furniture and tools off the floor is imperative. Industrial shelving or stylish, hardwearing furniture — including practical storage solutions — are an excellent investment. Measure your space and draw up a rough plan to see how everything is going to fit. Remember, once something is on the ground, how can you utilise the space above it, even all the way to the ceiling for tools or things that are used infrequently? A step ladder can be your best friend to maximise your new garage floor space. Take a look at your electrical outlets. Extension cables are a hassle and a hazard. Getting additional outlets where you need them, such as next to the bandsaw, drill press or tool charging station is going to make your life so much easier, without needing to plug and unplug every time you switch tools. Say goodbye to the dusty fluorescent tube in the middle of the roof. Light over your common work stations with energy efficient globes like adjustable LED fixtures. As for the dust? Think about your long-term health of your lungs by investing in a ventilation system or ceiling exhaust fan. Your floor also needs to be ready to take a beating, especially if you’re going to park your car in the space, or do any kind of DIY project like furniture recovering, carpentry, painting or finally building that kit car. An epoxy resin floor coating offers practical and aesthetic benefits for a garage refurbishment. An epoxy floor finish is also easy to clean and can provide extra grip.   4. Garage floor cleaning: removing oil stains Hiring a professional pressure washing service to remove motor oil stains and unsightly marks from your garage floor is a safe bet that the job will get done well. You can learn about that process here. To get your floors looking even closer to new, it’s time to book an epoxy resin application. Choose from a multitude of colours and effects, including glitter and matte looks. The pouring process takes around 24-48 hours to cure, after which you’ll have a hard surface that’s easy to look after.   Safety first: non-slip flooring for your garage One of the many benefits of epoxy flooring is that it can be installed as slip-resistant flooring. The process involves mixing a fine aggregate into the epoxy flooring at installation time, which offers more grip in wet or oily workshops. That said, having a non-slip pressure mat in your most common work areas is a low-cost luxury that few people regret.   Should I DIY my garage epoxy floor coating or call in the professionals? You’ll find a lot of videos online that make epoxy installation look easy. That’s because they are professionals. There’s a few things that can go wrong when trying to lay an epoxy floor DIY style, and hiring an epoxy floor professional won’t set you back much more (but it will save you hassle). To get a quote for your epoxy floor project, or oil stain removal head to the ‘get a quote’ page or give us a call.          

Concrete Cleaning Process

Concrete stains? The benefits of going for professional concrete cleaning

If you've invested in a concrete or exposed decorative aggregate driveway, it makes sense to maintain it with regular professional concrete cleaning. After all, it's the first thing you see when arriving home or stepping out your door in the morning. Concrete is a miracle substance for its strength and longevity. Almost two thousand years after the Pantheon was built in Rome, its unreinforced concrete dome is still standing (and is still the largest of its type in the world.) However durable concrete is, professional cleaning and maintenance will help your home or business look its best, free from grime, oil and stains.   The top five benefits of professional concrete cleaning Save time which you can better use elsewhere. High-pressure concrete cleaning by a professional means you're guaranteed of a job done well, so you can focus on what you do well - or just relax for a moment. Deep clean without the hassle of scrubbing. A professional concrete cleaning service can work to remove those annoying oil stains from the car or the barbecue. Fast service. While it may seem a straightforward DIY job, Kleenit has perfected the concrete cleaning process to maximise efficiency and a sparkling final result. Environmentally friendly. Kleenit uses biodegradable cleaning products and brings water to your place. Our commercial-grade hot-water pressure washing is also more efficient than garden-hose-type cold water models. Protect your surfaces. Professional concrete cleaning eliminates the need for abrasive cleaners, while restoring surfaces to their natural good looks. Pressure cleaning is unlikely to damage polished or coloured concrete. Added property value, especially for home sellers. Those looking to sell know that a well-maintained driveway can improve the street appeal and make the right impression. Having well-maintained driveways and walkways are a great selling point. It tells prospective homeowners that the home has been well cared for. Cost parity or even savings compared to DIY. After you buy the cleaning chemicals and PPE, hire or buy the washer, then give up your Saturday, the hours wasted on DIY pressure washing add up. Compare that time against your hourly wage - a professional will usually come out cheaper.   How to clean the most common types of concrete stains Concrete driveways, sidewalks, patios, and walkways that are neglected will inevitably wear down, with stains soaking deeper into the porous surface. Don’t put concrete cleaning off for even one more day!   Cleaning an oil concrete stain Small spills or recent spots can sometimes be removed with nothing more than a strong detergent and light scrub. For more substantial stains, you may be able to apply a degreaser. Be sure to trial any chemicals in an inconspicuous place to ensure it doesn't react with the surface. Try an oil-removing poultice, made by mixing an absorbent material (such as kitty litter) with a solvent (like acetone). Smear this on a stain, cover the poultice with plastic… then wait. It takes time, but the solvent will break down the oil, and the absorbent medium will pull much of it from the concrete. Trisodium phosphate, or TSP, is available at most hardware stores and can be suitable for removing oil stains. Those applying need to be careful with runoff into drains as it can contribute to algal blooms in rivers and lakes. Professional hot-water high-pressure cleaning is recommended to complement any of the above. Another oil-stain removal method, if you have the time, is TERMINATOR-HSD eco-friendly oil stain remover for concrete and driveways. These bacteria eat the oil and release a small amount of CO2 as they reproduce. Once all the oil is gone, the bacteria die, leaving sparkling concrete. Patience is required though; reapplying weekly it will take around 4-6 weeks to thoroughly clean some stains.   Red wine concrete stain If your patio's taken a few drinks for itself, there's a simple cleaning solution. You'll need a few drops of tea tree oil, a few drops of glycerin into a litre or so of water. Use this to moisten the stain, then try scrubbing with a non-metal scourer after 30 minutes.   Crayon concrete cleaning solution Removing crayon from concrete is simple. Usually, a spray of WD-40 followed by high-pressure hot water spray will do the trick.   Concrete cleaning for cigarette stains A mix of washing soda (not baking soda) and water with a light scrub will lift out the yellowing that a cigarette ember can leave behind on light-coloured concrete.   Mildew stain on a concrete driveway? Plants overhanging a driveway or patio can lead to mildew. This mildewcide recipe may help get rid of mildew on concrete. Be sure to wear adequate personal protection and old clothes when using, and avoid getting any on your plants or soil. Mix 1 litre of chlorine bleach with 3 litres of water. Add 1/3 cup of powdered laundry detergent. Apply liberally to mildew. Don't let it dry; let it sit until stains turn white. Rinse off.   General concrete cleaning care A pH-neutral cleaner is best for decorative concrete flooring. Avoid harsh cleaning products such as ammonia, citrus, bleach or pine cleaners because they can react with and etch the surface.   Find concrete cleaning services in Australia Who has time for DIY concrete cleaning, when professional cleaning gets a better job without the hassle? Kleenit offers concrete cleaning in every capital city in Australia. Your local Kleenit representative can visit you for a safety-assured inspection and estimate. Or, contact our head office with a photo and measurements of the area needing attention and we'll provide a quote online.        


Driveway sealing: Is it worth it?

Driveway sealing involves adding a protective coating to concrete or brickwork to protect it from the elements, tyre marks and oil stains. Laying concrete or block paving can be expensive, so it's worth looking after your investment with regular maintenance. Driveway sealing costs can vary depending on the size and substance being sealed.   When do I need to seal a driveway? The end of autumn and early summer is a good time of year for driveway sealing; the weather is dry, and not a lot of leaves and seeds are falling. How often you need to seal a driveway depends entirely on the type of product you're protecting. Concrete driveways should be sealed every four to five years to protect them from water penetration. As a homeowner, you may opt for more frequent driveway cleaning, something that will be included in your Kleenit driveway sealing quote. Asphalt driveways should be resealed, at most, every two to three years. More frequent resealing to maintain that jet black finish can actually lead to more hairline cracks and peeling. Brick paving or block paving may come with a recommended maintenance schedule at the time of purchase. If you're not aware of the type of brick, depending on the material, every two to three years should be sufficient for brick driveway sealing.   What are the benefits of driveway sealing? Many people believe that concrete driveways don't need maintenance, but this couldn't be further from the truth. Regular driveway sealing reduces the amount of water that can soak into the surface. What's so bad about water? In warm climates, it can lead to mould and algae. In cold climates, the freeze-thaw cycle will crack concrete over time, eventually requiring a complete replacement of the driveway. Driveway sealing adds to the street appeal of a home, as it reduces permanent staining from tyres, oil and tree-fall.   Do I need to clean before my driveway sealing? To ensure the longest-lasting driveway sealing, the area being sealed will need to be professionally cleaned with a pressure washer. With Kleenit, the cost of doing so will be included in your quote. We recommend moving furniture and other bulky items out from the driveway/garage/patio to ensure an even and complete coat. Driveway maintenance may also include the repair of cracks and holes in concrete and/or oil stain removal. Patching cracks in concrete will most likely be noticeable, and in these cases, the Kleenit crew may recommend a tinted driveway sealant.   How much does it cost to clean and seal a driveway? There is no set square metre rate for sealing a driveway, as jobs vary based on scope and difficulty, staining or driveway repair costs. You may find it more cost-effective to have larger areas taken care of at the same time, such as resealing the patio or pool surrounds.   What does driveway sealing entail? To begin, driveway sealing will involve a high pressure washer clean to remove weeds, soil particulate, algae and old stains. In some cases, oil stain removal from driveways and carports will require hot water pressure washing and chemical treatment. The concrete or brickwork will then require time to dry. Your Kleenit professional will then swap out their water tank for a suitable driveway sealer. Sealing concrete needs to be done in smooth, even passes, and all in one session, to ensure an even coat. Using gloves and a mask is essential to prevent excessive inhalation of the product — so watching the process from nearby is not recommended. Where driveway sealing is next to a garden, your Kleenit professional will use a protection board to ensure excess spray drift doesn't end up on plants or lawns. The sealed surface then needs to be left to fully cure for 24 hours (though it will be touch-dry in considerably less time on a warm day). During this time, we recommend homeowners keep their young children and pets indoors to prevent accidental damage to the surface.   How do I treat oil stains on my driveway? For fresh oil stains, you may be able to apply a degreaser to remove the stains. Be sure to trial the degreaser in an inconspicuous place to ensure it doesn't react with the surface. Older stains have usually soaked into the substrate of the driveway, in which case, professional hot-water high-pressure cleaning is recommended. Trisodium phosphate, or TSP, is available at most hardware stores and can be suitable for removing oil stains. Those applying need to be careful with runoff into drains as it can contribute to algal blooms in rivers and lakes.   Find driveway sealing services in Australia Kleenit offers driveway sealing in most capital cities in Australia. Your local Kleenit representative can visit you for a safety-assured inspection and estimate. Or contact our head office with a photo and measurements of the area needing attention and we'll provide a quote online.

preventing and removing graffiti blog by kleenit

Preventing vandalism: How to stop graffiti on your property

Graffiti can appear to be a random act of vandalism. However, there are a few things to know, and actions you can take, to reduce the likelihood of further tagging of your home, business or community.   Who’s behind graffiti vandalism? According to the National Criminal Justice Reference Service, in general, vandalism may be motivated by malicious greed, the wish to draw attention to a particular condition, by a political ideology, by the desire for revenge on a particular person, by frustration, or by misguided playfulness. It could also be a territory-marking exercise by a criminal element, or simply juvenile boredom. A factor in graffiti vandalism and many other crimes may indicate a lack of community connection, belonging, or sense of place. Those who are marginalised and perpetually moved along can begin to harbor resentment towards institutions and symbols of what they feel they are being denied.  ‘Tagging’ is also a game to some younger people, albeit a destructive and irritating one. Participants are usually on a quest to ‘bomb up’ as many places with their scribbled mark, the more prominent or risky the better. Despite the cost to the public, private property owner or business, they continue for the thrill of rebelling, the adrenaline rush, and the sense of belonging — at least until they are caught and fined, or the novelty wears off. It’s no surprise that damage (from vandalism such as graffiti) is more likely to occur in inner-city areas where individuals can act somewhat anonymously.   How do I prevent graffiti vandalism? Taking into account the many reasons why a person may vandalise your property with graffiti, some steps can be taken to prevent it in the first place. The following uses the concept of Crime Prevention through Environmental Design, or CPTED: Ensure lighting is operating correctly, ideally with unbreakable fixtures, and consider installing sensor lighting. Apply anti-graffiti coatings to protect walls, fences and buildings. Choose darker colours of paint to lessen the chance that a moniker will stand out. Install CCTV systems and related signage Keep trees and shrubs trimmed to reduce places to hide. Use fences, locks or gates to make access more challenging. Fill the ‘canvas’ — consider commissioning a mural artist for large, flat or out-of-sight areas. Even most taggers hold respect for others’ artworks and are less likely to damage a legitimate artwork (that you get to choose). There are also community actions that can have a positive impact on reducing graffiti in the area: Support programs for adolescents such as skateparks, mentoring initiatives and sports organisations. Start or join a neighbourhood watch organisation. Discuss with your strata manager or partner with other businesses in the community to develop and spread the investment cost of a CPTED plan.    Can I DIY graffiti removal? Graffiti removal often requires specialised tools to ensure that the surface below remains undamaged. Before attempting to remove any graffiti, be sure to document it by taking a photo for reporting it to Crimestoppers.  If the surface has been ‘tagged’ recently, it may be possible to remove it with a cloth and detergent; for example, Sugar Soap, taking necessary precautions to avoid further damage to the surface. If that doesn’t work, it may be tempting to try to remove the graffiti oneself with specialty tools. However, professional graffiti removal offers a more reliable service with experts who have the time and experience to take care of the marks properly.  Kleenit uses commercial-grade high-pressure cleaning tools to remove graffiti efficiently and offers rapid response times. Our team also offers graffiti prevention painting to reduce the likelihood of further attacks.   Where is graffiti vandalism most common? A prominent location with low potential for witnesses at night is at higher risk of graffiti, but it can happen anywhere. Alleys and alcoves also provide cover for vandals to do even more damage. Such low visibility areas present a strong case for CCTV systems and other deterrents. Is leaving graffiti vandalism really that bad? Rapid removal of graffiti helps in a few ways. According to Goodbye Graffiti, “rapid removal can counteract motivation for graffiti vandalism by limiting exposure time of the work and consequently, recognition from peers.” Yes, graffiti often begets more graffiti. The longer one leaves the results of graffiti in place, the more likely it is that it will attract others to behave in similar vandalism. It suggests that the owner isn’t likely to act, that there is no security in place, and that graffiti will be likely to stay there long term. Other ‘writers’ may mark up the graffiti with different mediums such as permanent marker, paint or scratching, which can be challenging to remedy. While paint can seem permanent, the sooner it is removed, the less likely it is that the colour will penetrate and stain the substrate. The same goes for stick-up glue & paper graffiti; act quickly by booking professional graffiti removal services.  Graffiti also has the effect of making an area look less than cared for, changing the perception of an area as one that may not be safe for residents, customers or staff. Negative messages may also reflect poorly on the business itself if they are not removed quickly. It’s also worth reporting graffiti vandalism in your area to the relevant authorities, such as CrimeStoppers 1800 333 000, as well as to your local council. Some states have dedicated graffiti hotlines for reporting damage to public property. Western Australia Graffiti Reporting: 1800 44 22 55 NSW Graffiti Hotline on 1800 707 125